
Audit and Assurance

Auditing procedures of the financial statements of the enterprises are performed to the highest standard in accordance with the International  Standards on Auditing. Auditing is carried out by paying particular attention to all the latest rules and regulations on due diligence reporting, anti-money laundering and other important auditing matters such as the risk audit approach methodology. Furthermore it is always ensured that the financial statements preparation is carried out in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

Accounting, Payroll and other related services

Our firm maintains the accounting records of your business by using the appropriate accounting packages and prepares management accounts and assists in the draft accounts preparation. More specifically we can carry out the following tasks:-

-Record all your everyday transactions

-Prepare bank reconciliations

-Cash management

-Maintain fully updated customers and suppliers ledgers and prepare statements

-Payroll services include assistance in calculating the social insurance monthly statements, employees pay slips, employees annual certificates

Taxation, VAT, Intrastat and VIES

Our firm can offer the following tax services:-

-Companies Tax returns IR4

-Individuals Tax returns IR1 for employees and self-employed.

-Employers returns IR7

-Employees annual emoluments certificates IR63

-Preparation of PAYE

-VAT, Intrastat and VIES

-Tax and VAT investigations assistance

Business consultancy and tax planning

Our firm is in a position to provide the best possible advice on tax planning by considering current legislation in order to minimize the company’s tax bill. This can be achieved by making use of all available tax treaties and also by advising on the most suitable structure.

More specifically we can be appointed to carry out the following:

-Preparation of periodic management accounts

-Companies and businesses valuations

-Advice on business structures

-Formation of companies

-Feasibility studies

-Financial statements for the bank purposes

-Tax planning and use of tax treaties to reduce your tax obligations